Instead of charging separate commissions for each order, we include our fees in the market spread. We apply a small markup to the market spread, which tends toward 0.3% of the instrument’s value. This markup is automatically included in the price you see when you trade.
This is a charge for rolling a leveraged position overnight. This commission is added to the result of a position. The leverage is applied to positions depending on the type of instrument or account. View the leverage value applied for a particular instrument on your account in the “Contract specification” section of your trading platform.
The commission rate is not constant and might be changed without any prior notice to clients.
How to calculate interest?
<Opening price> * <Position volume> * <Interest (%) / 100 / 360>
Twitter: 100 shares, long position, interest - 7%
25 * 100 * (-7%) / 100 / 360 = (-0,49) USD
Triple interests are applied to some instruments on a specific day of the week. Find the triple interest day for each instrument in the “Contract specification” section.
Markups are applied to conversion rates in case the funds engaged in trading Stocks, ETFs, and CFDs need to be converted. View the markup values used for the funds conversion for each currency pair in the “Contract specification” section.
To apply markup to the price, you can use the following formula:
The Ask price with markup = Ask + (Ask * Markup(%) / 100 / 2)
The Bid price with markup = Bid - (Bid * Markup(%) / 100 / 2)
When calculating the financial result of a position, the conversion will be separately applied to an estimate of an exposure cost and additional expenses, but not to the final result. The formula is the following:
Short position (Sell)
((Opening price*Position volume) / conversion rate - (Closing price*Position volume) / conversion rate) + additional expense / conversion rate
Long position (Buy)
<Closing price>*<Position volume> / <Conversion rate> - <Opening price> <Position volume> / <Conversion rate> + <Additional expenses> / <Conversion rate>
Twitter: 100 shares, long position, opening price: $22.00, closing price: $26.00, swap: $1.5, trading account is nominated in EUR, markup: 0.5%, applicable conversion rate (EURUSD) at the time of position opening: 1.11253, applicable conversion rate (EURUSD) at the time of calculation: 1.11233.
(26.00*100 / 1.11253 – 22.00*100 / 1.11233) + (-1.5) / 1.11253 = €345.7
1. Market Order
Buy or sell order at a current market price. The best execution price is guaranteed by the execution venue. The Requested Order price is not guaranteed.
2. Buy Limit Order
Pending order to buy below the current market price. Trigger condition: the current Ask price is less or equal to the declared order price. The Requested Order price is guaranteed. The Execution Price is better or equal to the Declared Price.
3. Buy Stop Order
Pending order to buy above the current market price. Trigger condition for FX/Indices: the current Ask price is greater or equal to the declared order price. Trigger condition for Stocks: the last price is greater or equal to the declared order price. The Requested Order price is not guaranteed.
4. Sell Limit Order
Pending order to sell above the current market price. Trigger condition: the current Bid price is higher or equal to the declared order price. The Requested Order price is guaranteed. The Execution Price is better or equal to the Declared Price.
5. Sell Stop Order
Pending order to sell below the current market price. Trigger condition for FX/Indices: the current Bid is less or equal to the declared order price. Trigger condition for Stocks: the last price is less or equal to the declared order price. The Requested Order price is not guaranteed.
6. Expiration Time Availability (Buy Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Limit, Sell Stop):
Good Til Cancelled (GTC) – The order will be valid immediately after setting until cancelled.
Day order – The order will remain until the end of the trading day, in which case it will be cancelled if not triggered.
End of Week – The order will be valid until the end of the week, which is Friday.
End of Month – The order will be valid until the last business day of the month.
Select Date and Time – Personal preference of chosen validity.
7. Stop Loss Order
Stop order to close a deal. Trigger condition for FX/Indices: current bid (for BUY deals) or current ask (for SELL deals) reaches the Stop Loss level. Trigger condition for Stocks: the last price reaches the Stop Loss level. The Requested Order price is not guaranteed.
8. Trailing Stop
Trailing Stop is a kind of dynamic Stop Loss that follows the price. When you set Trailing Stop, you specify the number of pips between the current price and Trailing Stop. If the market moves your way, Trailing Stop will follow the price and will get triggered only once the price reverts and moves the number of pips specified. The current price value depends on the instrument type:
Stocks: "Last price"
Other instruments (long positions): "Bid price"
Other instruments (short positions): "Ask price"
9. Take Profit Order
Limit order to close a deal. Trigger condition: current bid (for BUY deals) or current ask (for SELL deals) reaches the Take Profit level. The Requested Order price is guaranteed. The Execution Price is equal to or better than the declared price in Take Profit.
10. Stop Out Order
Stop order to close a deal. Trigger condition: Margin level is less or equal to Stop Out level.
11. Definitions
Order Type – Market, Limit, Stop, Stop Loss, Take Profit, Stop Out.
Order Status – Active, in execution (filling), filled, cancelled, rejected.
Declared Order Price – the order price before the order is triggered for execution.
Filled Order price – the order price after the order has been filled.
Last price – the price of the last executed transaction on the execution venue. Stock instruments indicate the last price on the financial chart.
Deal – the result of an executed order. Any filled order opens or closes a deal.
Deal status – open, closing, closed, trade.
Stop or Limit orders become active once created. Only active orders can be updated/cancelled during open trading hours. Find the active orders in the "Active Orders" tab in the account summary on the client’s trading platform.
Any order satisfying one of the conditions below changes the status to "Filling"
2.1 Market order submitted
2.2 Stop Loss, Take Profit, Stop Out orders once created
2.3 Stop, Limit order declared price triggered.
Find all orders with "Filling" status in the "Active Orders" tab in the account summary on the client’s trading platform until their status is changed by the system to "filled" or "rejected".
All orders with "Filling" status are automatically cancelled by the system at the end of every day.
When an order is executed, a related Deal is opened or closed at the Filled order price, and the order status is changed to "filled".
When an order is cancelled by the user or rejected by the system, the order status is changed to "cancelled" or "rejected" accordingly.
Find all "filled", "cancelled" and "rejected" orders in the Trade Blotter tab in the account summary on the client’s trading platform.
All orders are executed only during the instruments trading hours. Order management after and before trading sessions: place and modify Take Profit, Stop Loss, Limit, and Stop even when the market is closed. They will be executed after the trading session starts.
In case the Account Margin level is less than or equal to the Stop Out level, the system sends a Stop Out order (or orders) to close all opened deals. In the case where a Stop Out order is cancelled by the execution venue and the Account Margin Level is still less or equal to the Stop Out level, the system sends Stop Out order(s) again.
Stop Loss, Take Profit, Stop Out, or Market orders that close a deal with the status "Filling" change the related deal status to "closing". When the related order is "filled", the deal becomes "closed". In case the related order is rejected, the deal becomes "open" again.
All "open", "closing" and "closed" deals are indicated in the Positions tab of the account summary on the client’s trading platform.
At the end of the day, based on server time, all closed deals are converted into account currency and become trades on the client’s trading platform.
Find all the trades along with the balance transactions (Deposit/Withdraw), and cash dividends in the case of Stock trading, in the History tab in the account summary on the client’s trading platform.
RoboForex relies on third-party execution venues for pricing and available volumes, therefore execution of the client’s orders will depend on the pricing and availability of liquidity at the execution venues. Although RoboForex executes all orders placed by the clients, it reserves the right to decline an order of any type, or the order could be declined by the execution venue.
Orders sent near the opening of trading time: Please note that markets can be particularly volatile near the opening of a trading session, with prices and available volume often changing rapidly and data feeds from various markets potentially being slow or temporarily unavailable. RoboForex cannot guarantee that orders sent near the opening of trading will necessarily receive the best-posted price. You may want to consider the use of limit orders at the opening, although market orders should be used if you want a higher certainty of getting a fill. In case Take Profit or Stop Loss orders are rejected, Take Profit and Stop Loss levels are removed.
In case there is an open position in Stocks, ETFs, and CFDs, dividends are credited or debited to an account on the “ex-dividend” date. View the schedule of the “ex-dividend” dates for the upcoming future in the “Corporate events” section of your trading platform.
Cash dividend transactions debit/credit account balance on ex-dividend day at 15:00 server time. Find the transaction in the History tab.
In case of a Long position, the Cash Dividend amount is:
Dividend per stock * Volume
Volume = Contracts * Contract size
In case of a Short Position, the Cash Dividend amount is:
(-1) * Dividend per stock * Volume
Volume = Contracts * Contract size
Dividends received in the US stock market are subject to tax by the US. Because of this, 15% of the dividend amount you receive will be debited to your account with the “Dividend tax” comment.
A dividend is added to an account balance and has no influence on the result of a position.
In the event of a stock split, the appropriate adjustment on the client’s position will be reflected on the trading account in accordance with the announced stock split.
The Split procedure runs on the server every day at 15:00 server time. During the procedure, all active pending orders (Limit, Stop) for the related stock are removed.
The weighted average price and sum volume are calculated separately for all open deals in short positions and all open deals in long positions of an instrument. They are assigned as a new open price and new volume for the deal, with maximum volume for long and short deals accordingly. In case a deal receives fractional stocks, such stocks will be liquidated for cash transactions – "Split cash correction". The volume of other deals for related instruments will be reset to 0 and moved to the History tab.
In the event a corporate action results in a fractional position, RoboForex reserve the right at its own discretion to credit the outstanding fractional component as a cash adjustment to be credited to the client’s trading account.
Other corporate events, including but not limited to mergers, acquisitions, tenders, and spin-offs, are not processed by the Company. If a corporate event is not a dividend or a split, the company reserves the right to close clients' positions at the last market price of the trading session prior to the corporate event.
RoboForex bears no responsibility for notifying clients regarding announcements of corporate actions.
When trading with the netting account model, you can only have one open position in the same instrument. Therefore:
When trading with the hedging account model, you can open as many positions as you want in the same instrument in different directions, in case there is enough margin for opening and maintaining them.
If you already have an open order in some instrument and you decide to open another one, you will have one more open position. Unlike the netting model, in the hedging model opening a new position in an instrument has no influence on existing ones.
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