
Explore los análisis de RoboForex acerca de los pares de divisas más operados. Aquí encontrará análisis detallados y predicciones de los pares de divisas más operados en el mercado Forex, combinando enfoques técnicos y fundamentales para que cuente con una visión completa del mercado.

Manténgase al día con nuestras actualizaciones periódicas y pronósticos de tipos de cambio a través de nuestras revisiones diarias en profundidad de los principales pares de divisas en un mercado que cambia rápidamente. Independientemente de su nivel de experiencia, nuestros análisis expertos y predicciones del mercado de divisas le ayudarán a comprender las tendencias del Forex y refinar sus estrategias de trading. Acceda a la información esencial y predicciones de divisas por parte de expertos de RoboForex que necesita para navegar por las complejidades del trading de divisas.


EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD, XAUUSD, and Brent technical analysis and forecast for 20 December 2024

Here is a detailed daily technical analysis and forecast for EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD, XAUUSD, and Brent for 20 December 2024.

EURUSD is under pressure ahead of key US inflation data

The EURUSD rate is declining, remaining near the November lows, with the current price at 1.0366. More details in our analysis for 20 December 2024.

USDJPY: the pair undergoes a moderate correction following a surge

The USDJPY rate corrected to the 156.75 support level today after a steady rise on Wednesday and Thursday. Discover more in our analysis for 20 December 2024.

The AUDUSD pair appears weak, but there are signals for recovery

The AUDUSD pair declined to 0.6223, and recovering from the two-year low will not be easy. Find out more in our analysis for 20 December 2024.

EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD, XAUUSD, and Brent technical analysis and forecast for 19 December 2024

Here is a detailed daily technical analysis and forecast for EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD, XAUUSD, and Brent for 19 December 2024.

EURUSD declines after Powell’s comments

The EURUSD rate retreated sharply to 1.0350 following the US Federal Reserve meeting and subsequent comments from Jerome Powell. Find out more in our analysis for 19 December 2024.

EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD, XAUUSD, and Brent technical analysis and forecast for 18 December 2024

Here is a detailed daily technical analysis and forecast for EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD, XAUUSD, and Brent for 18 December 2024.

USDJPY: the yen capitalises on every opportunity to strengthen

The USDJPY rate continues to decline in anticipation of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate decision, with the target at 152.88. Find out more in our analysis for 18 December 2024.