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USDCAD: markets expect a faster interest rate cut by the Bank of Canada

The USDCAD rate is declining on Wednesday after rebounding from the crucial resistance level. Find out more in our analysis for 18 September 2024.

USDJPY declines again as the yen receives support from the Bank of Japan sentiment

The USDJPY pair is going down on Wednesday. The JPY is gaining ground ahead of BoJ decisions. Discover more in our analysis for 18 September 2024.

USDJPY: the yen has the potential to strengthen after a correction

Japan’s PMI improved significantly, while US retail sales may decline. Find out more in our analysis for 17 September 2024.

EURUSD: expectations for a 50-basis-point Fed interest rate cut are growing

The EURUSD rate is correcting after declining for three consecutive sessions, with losses exceeding 1.19%. Discover more in our analysis for 17 September 2024.

USDCHF declines: the US dollar is in a disadvantageous position

The USDCHF pair continues to fall, with the Swiss franc benefiting from the weakness of the US dollar. Find out more in our analysis for 17 September 2024.

GBPUSD continues to rise following a correction

Improving UK house price index and US manufacturing index figures support the British pound. Discover more in our analysis for 16 September 2024.

USDJPY: focus on Fed and BoJ decisions

The USDJPY rate has been declining for the third consecutive trading session. Discover more in our analysis for 16 September 2024.

EURUSD rose: the Fed must be decisive

The EURUSD pair has been rising for the third consecutive trading day. Investors are awaiting a 50-basis-point Federal Reserve interest rate cut. Find out more in our analysis for 16 September 2024.