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USDJPY: a correction is possible amid recent developments

A potential rise in the PMI and the US presidential election will increase market volatility. More details in our analysis for 5 November 2024.

EURUSD awaits the news, with the focus on the US presidential election

The EURUSD pair remains in a consolidation phase. A critical moment is approaching. Find out more in our analysis for 5 November 2024.

EURUSD: the euro continues to strengthen ahead of speeches by ECB officials

Rising eurozone figures and speeches by ECB officials are bolstering the euro. Find out more in our analysis for 4 November 2024.

The GBPUSD pair is poised for a rebound, but volatility is increasing

The GBPUSD pair rose, with the pound supported by the local weakness of the US dollar. More details in our analysis for 4 November 2024.

USDJPY rose: a crucial week begins

The USDJPY pair is undergoing a correction, with the US dollar retreating ahead of the US presidential election. Find out more in our analysis for 4 November 2024.

USDJPY: the US dollar continues to exert pressure on the yen

The decrease in US nonfarm payrolls and the forecast for the unemployment rate are weighing on the US dollar. Find out more in our analysis for 1 November 2024.

NZDUSD started to consolidate, but risks persist

The NZDUSD pair maintains its strength on Friday. Yesterday’s US statistics may prompt adjustments. More details in our analysis for 1 November 2024.

EURUSD undergoes a correction ahead of a key US employment report

The EURUSD rate is falling after rebounding from the 1.0885 resistance level. Find out more in our analysis for 1 November 2024.