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EURUSD: Strong US economy and expectations of Trump’s victory exert pressure on the euro

The EURUSD rate slightly declines, remaining within the range. More details in our analysis for 29 October 2024.

USDCHF declines: a correction is necessary

The USDCHF pair is declining; the market requires a correction. Find out more in our analysis for 29 October 2024.

EURUSD: the euro attempts to regain ground against the US dollar

A speech by ECB official Elizabeth McCaul, the IMF meeting, and rising inflation in the US could support the euro. Discover more in our analysis for 25 October 2024.

NZDUSD under pressure: consumer confidence in New Zealand decreases

The NZDUSD rate is declining within a descending channel, attempting to secure a position below the support level. Find out more in our analysis for 25 October 2024.

USDJPY remains stable: investors prepare for the Japanese elections

The USDJPY pair has halted its surge. The market preserves strength ahead of political developments. Find out more in our analysis for 25 October 2024.

EURUSD: the strong US economy and Fed caution exert downward pressure on the euro

The EURUSD rate is correcting after falling for three consecutive trading sessions. More details in our analysis for 24 October 2024.

USDJPY: the yen may continue to lose ground against the US dollar

The US and Japan’s PMI data, supported by US jobless claims, could influence the movements of USDJPY. Find out more in our analysis for 24 October 2024.

AUDUSD rises slightly, but pressure persists

The AUDUSD pair remains in a downward trend, pausing for corrections. Risk appetite is weak. Discover more in our analysis for 24 October 2024.