
Explore los análisis de RoboForex acerca de los pares de divisas más operados. Aquí encontrará análisis detallados y predicciones de los pares de divisas más operados en el mercado Forex, combinando enfoques técnicos y fundamentales para que cuente con una visión completa del mercado.

Manténgase al día con nuestras actualizaciones periódicas y pronósticos de tipos de cambio a través de nuestras revisiones diarias en profundidad de los principales pares de divisas en un mercado que cambia rápidamente. Independientemente de su nivel de experiencia, nuestros análisis expertos y predicciones del mercado de divisas le ayudarán a comprender las tendencias del Forex y refinar sus estrategias de trading. Acceda a la información esencial y predicciones de divisas por parte de expertos de RoboForex que necesita para navegar por las complejidades del trading de divisas.


USDJPY strengthens amid political instability in Japan

The USDJPY rate has been rising for the third consecutive trading session. Find out more in our analysis for 23 October 2024.

USDCAD: all eyes are on the Bank of Canada’s interest rate decision

The Bank of Canada will release its monetary policy report and interest rate decision today. More details in our analysis for 23 October 2024.

EURUSD reached a new local low as demand for the US dollar strengthens

The EURUSD pair continues to decline as the market turns towards safe-haven assets. Find out more in our analysis for 23 October 2024.

EURUSD: the euro continues to lose ground against the US dollar

The EURUSD pair is expected to experience increased volatility today due to speeches by the ECB president and officials. Find out more in our analysis for 22 October 2024.

USDCHF: the franc is under pressure due to easing inflation

The USDCHF rate slightly declines on Tuesday. More details in our analysis for 22 October 2024.

USDJPY continues its ascent, reaching a three-month high

The USDJPY pair has reached a new three-month peak. The market does not rule out currency interventions from the Bank of Japan. Find out more in our analysis for 22 October 2024.

EURUSD: the resilience of the US economy supports the US dollar

The EURUSD rate declines after rebounding from the 1.0870 resistance level. Find out more in our analysis for 21 October 2024.

USDJPY: the US dollar may continue to strengthen against the yen

The IMF meeting and Neel Kashkari’s speech may further bolster the US dollar. Discover more in our analysis for 21 October 2024.