
Explore los análisis de RoboForex acerca de los pares de divisas más operados. Aquí encontrará análisis detallados y predicciones de los pares de divisas más operados en el mercado Forex, combinando enfoques técnicos y fundamentales para que cuente con una visión completa del mercado.

Manténgase al día con nuestras actualizaciones periódicas y pronósticos de tipos de cambio a través de nuestras revisiones diarias en profundidad de los principales pares de divisas en un mercado que cambia rápidamente. Independientemente de su nivel de experiencia, nuestros análisis expertos y predicciones del mercado de divisas le ayudarán a comprender las tendencias del Forex y refinar sus estrategias de trading. Acceda a la información esencial y predicciones de divisas por parte de expertos de RoboForex que necesita para navegar por las complejidades del trading de divisas.


JPY is gaining momentum, with the US economy slowing

The USDJPY rate is declining ahead of Friday’s US nonfarm payrolls report.

EURUSD has risen significantly, and statistics have nothing to do with it

Risk appetite is pushing up the EURUSD pair. US statistics came out mixed, providing no clear signals.

EURUSD continues to strengthen in anticipation of speeches by the ECB and FOMC officials

The EURUSD pair is rising ahead of upcoming ECB and FOMC data. After the release of the FOMC minutes, another corrective wave may follow.

CAD strengthens amid rising oil prices

The USDCAD rate is falling from a two-week high amid rising oil prices and the Federal Reserve chair’s recent statements.

The yen is deteriorating: JPY continues to depreciate

The USDJPY pair is hitting 37-year highs, with the Bank of Japan’s inaction working against the yen.

EUR declines: inflation in Germany and EU eases

The EURUSD rate has corrected after an initial rise and is now testing the strong support area at 1.0725.

USDJPY analysis: the yen continues to lose ground

The USDJPY pair continues its ascent, with no significant correction expected in the near term.

AUDUSD is falling: the market does not believe in interest rate hikes

The Australian dollar is declining for the second consecutive day. The AUDUSD pair is returning to fluctuations within the traded range.