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EURUSD has declined sharply in anticipation of the US core PCE

The EURUSD pair continues to fall. The market expects Friday’s inflation data to decrease, which supports the US dollar.

JPY is falling without hope for financial interventions and is approaching a low

The USDJPY pair continues its ascent, with the Bank of Japan’s inaction working against the yen.

EUR is declining ahead of the Eurogroup meeting

Today’s EURUSD forecast appears pessimistic as the news landscape may confirm the technical analysis conclusion about the pair’s decline.

The likelihood of a Bank of Canada interest rate cut in July decreases

The USDCAD rate remained unchanged on Wednesday, 26 June 2024, trading at 1.3660 under pressure from increased inflation in Canada.

A further rise in the JP225 index is jeopardised by an increase in the number of bankruptcies

The JP225 index is experiencing a weak uptrend. The Bank of Japan’s verbal interventions continue to exert pressure on the market.

Gold failed to gain a foothold at highs

Gold failed to remain at the area of 2368 and started to correct amid stronger-than-expected US data.

JPY: correction is not a sign of strengthening

The yen continues to strengthen against the US dollar on Tuesday, 25 June 2024. The USDJPY forecast appears optimistic amid the correction.

French election uncertainty supports the euro

The EURUSD rate continues to rise on Tuesday, 25 June 2024, reaching 1.0741. Investors are awaiting the results of the French legislative election.