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Swiss franc: will the interest rate change?

Today, 20 June 2024, the Swiss National Bank will announce its decision on the interest rate change and hold a press conference.

EUR is on standby, awaiting news

The leading currency pair is consolidating. Investors are conserving energy ahead of a new batch of statistics and external information.

Investors await signals from the Bank of Canada

The Canadian dollar has slightly strengthened against the US dollar, recouping losses after the weak US retail sales data release. Investors await signals from the Bank of Canada about a potential interest rate cut.

JPY has locally risen, driven by statistics

The USDJPY pair paused its systemic growth after the release of Japanese statistics. Export data supported the yen.

Will the ECB meeting help strengthen the euro?

The US dollar continues to lose ground against the euro on Wednesday. The European Central Bank meeting may bring about some changes.

Declining retail sales may weaken the US dollar

The US dollar is slightly strengthening against the euro on Tuesday. Investors are cautiously awaiting the release of economic data.

The British pound started a decline following sustained growth

The GBPUSD rate for today, 17 June 2024, is falling after a 36-day growth period and has reached the December 2023 value.

Negative economic data exerts pressure on the yen

The USDJPY rate for today, 17 June 2024, has stabilised following last week’s sharp jump caused by the Bank of Japan’s decision.