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GBPUSD is under pressure due to a potential Bank of England rate cut

The GBPUSD rate is approaching a crucial support level of 1.3035. Read more in our analysis for 7 October 2024.

USDJPY: the strong US labour market supports growth in the pair

The USDJPY rate is approaching the 149.35 resistance level amid uncertainty regarding the BoJ policy. Discover more in our analysis for 7 October 2024.

EURUSD hits a 2-month low: the US dollar regains favour

The EURUSD pair continues to decline, with the market increasingly favouring the US dollar. Find out more in our analysis for 7 October 2024.

EURUSD forecast: the euro continues to lose ground against the dollar

Job growth and the projected unemployment rate in the US may put pressure on the euro. Read more in our EURUSD analysis for today, 4 October 2024.

NZDUSD weakens amid challenges in New Zealand’s economy

NZDUSD has declined for the fourth consecutive trading session. A detailed analysis for 4 October 2024 provides insights into the key factors behind this movement.

USDJPY halts growth as the market pauses for further developments

USDJPY growth halted on Friday as the market paused and awaits further developments. More details and insights are available in our USDJPY analysis and forecast for today, 4 October 2024.

EURUSD forecast: strong US employment data puts pressure on the euro

EURUSD is declining for the fifth consecutive trading session. Read more in our comprehensive EURUSD analysis for today, 3 October 2024.

USDJPY analysis: the yen may strengthen against the US dollar again

A decline in the US service sector activity index and a rise in jobless claims could be a trigger for a stronger Yen. Read more in our USDJPY analysis for today, 3 October 2024.