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AUDUSD analysis: the market remains cautious as AUDUSD continues to decline

The AUDUSD is steadily moving away from its recent highs, with the strength of the US dollar applying consistent downward pressure on the Australian dollar (AUD). More details can be found in our AUDUSD analysis and forecast for 3 October 2024.

USDCAD analysis: chances of US dollar strengthening are gradually decreasing

Employment growth and changes in US crude oil inventories may significantly impact the USDCAD price. Read details in our USDCAD forecast for today, 2 October 2024.

Japan’s cautious approach pushes USDJPY upwards

The USDJPY is strengthening amid ongoing uncertainty around the BoJ’s future actions. Read more in our USDJPY analysis for today, 2 October 2024.

EURUSD declines sharply: Middle East tensions make investors nervous

EURUSD is testing a four-week low. Investors are shying away from risk as tensions escalate. Read more in our detailed EURUSD forecast for 2 October 2024.

EURUSD: euro continues to lose ground against the dollar

Falling Eurozone indices become a trigger for the euro weakening - read more in our analysis for 1 October 2024.

USDCHF: Fed chief's statements support the growth of the currency pair

The USDCHF exchange rate is strengthening and preparing to test the resistance level at 0.8525. Read more in our USDCHF analysis and forecast for October 1, 2024.

USDJPY develops upward momentum: the dollar has become the market favourite

USDJPY remains on the upside. Powell and Ishiba supported the USD. Read more in our USDJPY analysis for 1 October 2024.

USDJPY analysis: the yen continues to strengthen against the US dollar

Rising retail sales offset falling industrial production, which supported the yen. Read more in our detailed USDJPY analysis for today, 30 September 2024.