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EURUSD rises amid US inflation slowdown

The EURUSD rate is strengthening but remains at a strong resistance level of 1.1200. Read more in our analysis for 30 September 2024.

GBPUSD analysis: growth continues amid uncertain prospects

GBPUSD continues to grow, with the pound needing to break out of the sideways channel. Read more in our GBPUSD analysis and forecast for today, 30 September 2024.

NZDUSD forecast: the New Zealand dollar continues to lose ground against the US dollar

Rising PCE and Michelle Bowman’s speech could support the US dollar - read more in our analysis for 27 September 2024.

BoJ’s soft monetary policy favours USDJPY strength

USDJPY is rising for the third consecutive trading session. Read more in our analysis for today - 27 September 2024.

EURUSD analysis: the pair is poised to rise as the US dollar declines for 4 weeks in a row

EURUSD is resuming its upward movement. The market is anticipating a significant easing of the Fed’s monetary policy in the future. Read more details in our analysis for 27 September 2024.

EURUSD analysis: the euro continues to strengthen against the US dollar

The monthly ECB report, alongside the latest US GDP and unemployment data, could be critical signals triggering further USD weakness. Read more in our EURUSD forecast and analysis for 26 September 2024.

AUDUSD strengthens due to China’s stimulus measures

AUDUSD is regaining some of its lost ground after falling more than 1% the previous day. Read more details in our analysis for 26 September 2024.

USDJPY rises to a three-week high: trend gaining momentum

The USDJPY continues to exhibit upward momentum, climbing to a three-week high as the US dollar garners favour among investors. Read more in our analysis for 26 September 2024.