
Explore the RoboForex analytics covering the most traded currency pairs. Here, you will find detailed analyses and currency trading predictions for currency pairs traded on the foreign exchange market (forex), blending technical and fundamental approaches to give you a comprehensive view.

Stay up to date with our regular updates and exchange rate forecasts through our in-depth daily reviews of the major currency pairs in a fast-changing market. Regardless of your experience level, our expert analyses and currency market predictions will help you understand foreign currency exchange trends and refine your trading strategies. Access the essential information and currency predictions you need to navigate the complexities of currency trading from the experts at RoboForex.


The British pound started a decline following sustained growth

The GBPUSD rate for today, 17 June 2024, is falling after a 36-day growth period and has reached the December 2023 value.

Negative economic data exerts pressure on the yen

The USDJPY rate for today, 17 June 2024, has stabilised following last week’s sharp jump caused by the Bank of Japan’s decision.

EUR continues to fall: the US dollar is to blame. Overview for 17.06.2024

EURUSD is experiencing another decline; the euro exchange rate has to fall amid problems in France.